Friday, July 17, 2009

Why I can't think straight...

I realize it has been almost a month since my last post. We've been well for the most part at our house, which is a nice change from the previous couple months. (Some of you don't even know what I'm referring to because I haven't blogged about it, but hang in there...I just might get around to it.) The boys and I have just been taking it easy during the week and it has been so nice. I needed a few "unscheduled" weeks when we didn't have to be somewhere every day and we could just wake up and decide what we wanted to do. I'm happy to report that, after a couple weeks like this, I'm feeling quite rejuvinated.

That being said, Tyler and Nathan are certainly doing their part to make sure their mom doesn't have it too easy. They've started playing a new "game" after every meal when I'm trying to clean up. This new game involves lots of banging and shouting. Fun for them. Not-so-enjoyable for me. The funny thing is that Nathan is the leader of the game. Tyler follows his cues to know when it's time to bang and when it's time to shout. Have a look/listen for yourself.

While I really can't stand the noise that this game creates because I can't even hear my own thoughts as they play, I have to admit that it is somewhat rewarding to see them playing together and enjoying each other. It's better than hearing them fight over a toy, that's for sure.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Wow, that looks and sounds very familiar. I have no advice other than praise God it isn't fighting. And why is it that the older ones follow the younger ones???