Monday, March 28, 2011


A funny conversation with Tyler today...

Tyler: Mommy, what does denicated mean?

Me: Dedicated?

Tyler: Yeah, denicated. Can we say that word or is it a bad word?

Me: No, it's not a bad word. You can say it.

Tyler: It sounds like a bad word to me. What does it mean?

Me: If you're dedicated to someone or something, it means you'll stick with them no matter what. Like, Mommy and Daddy are dedicated to each other. We'll always stay together no matter what happens.

Tyler: Oh, I know! Nathan and I are denicated because we always play together.

A few minutes later, I heard a scuffle between Tyler and Nathan coming from the other room. Apparently Nathan was annoyed that Tyler wanted to play on the couch next to him. The next thing I hear is...

Tyler: Mommy! Nathan isn't denicated right now!

1 comment:

O Boys Mommy said...

YEAH!! YEAH!! YOU'RE BACK!! Way to go! Keep it up :)