Thursday, May 12, 2011

Spring Break

I'm several weeks behind in my posting because it has been a whirlwind of activity at our house. Once we returned from Atlanta, it was spring break for Tyler. We managed to stay busy during that week leading up to Easter.

On the Wednesday before Easter, we went to the Pittmans' house for a day of fun with Cooper, Gabe and Eliza. They were on spring break from school as well, so it was the perfect time for the cousins to get together. Grandma Pittman had planned some activities for all the kids, and in between they played outside in their huge backyard.

The kids' first activity was to decorate their own piece of a big egg puzzle. They each had their own style and technique, which was cute to see. Somehow I never got a photo of the finished product, but it looked really cute and festive displayed on the Pittmans' front porch on Easter Day.

Before lunch and Easter egg dyeing, the kids went outside to play. Cooper, Gabe, and Tyler spent quite a while digging for worms and caterpillars under a tree. Nathan was out there for a while, but then he decided he wanted to be inside with me while we cleaned up from their first activity. He was more than ready to go back outside when it was time for tractor rides, though.

All the boys enjoyed their ride with Grandpa Pittman, except Tyler, who declined the offer. He just wanted to continue digging in the dirt.

Gabe felt like making us all laugh, so he hiked up his shorts like so. Look at those legs!

And Eliza just wanted to swing on the playset, so of course Grandma obliged. Who could say no to those cheeks?After lunch and dyeing Easter eggs, it was time for us to head back home. Both boys fell asleep on the way because all the fun completely wore them out. They always have a blast when their cousins are around. Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Pittman for a fun-filled day!

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