Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Big Boy Bed

Today we set up Tyler's big boy toddler bed. It has construction trucks all over the sheet and quilt, so he was excited about it all evening. He loves pointing out all the excavators, which he pronounces something like, "eck-uh-nehn". He kept saying, "nap," and would lay his head down on the bed. When it finally came time to put him to bed tonight, he didn't want to lie down at first, but he didn't try to climb down and he didn't say anything. Before I knew it, I could hear him snoring over the monitor. I guess we'll see how it goes the rest of the night, but at least we're off to a pretty good start...


Lindsay said...

I'm SO excited to hear how the first night went. He looks like such a big boy in his toddler bed. That's great that he didn't try to get down--might be easier than you thought! Talk to you soon!

Rachel said...

Hi Debbie Tyler has changed so much since we have seen him last. He is getting the toddler look, he looks soooo cute. I hope to enjoy all of the new pictures of Tyler and the new baby. Hope all is well tell Tim I said Hi. Take care!!
