Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Preschool--One Week Down

As of yesterday, Tyler finished his first week of school and I have to say it went extremely well. He's enjoying it and has already made a little friend, Kiger (rhymes with tiger). He also knows which kids get in trouble, or in his words, "don't know the rules". He assures me that he and Kiger know the rules. Last night he taught us the song that they sing before lunch.

A week ago, the only times Tyler wasn't with Daddy, me, or another family member, were when he was in Sunday school or at MOPS. All of a sudden, he has this life that is totally separate from us. Like so many things encountered in motherhood, starting preschool is bittersweet. It's rewarding to see him thrive in this new place, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't also a little poignant.

One of the great things about preschool is that the kids make all kinds of wonderful crafts to take home. I love Tyler's creations because they provide a glimpse into his day. Each one is a conversation starter. On his first day, he came home with a poem about "The Kissing Hand" with a cut-out tracing of his little hand.

Yesterday he left with a gorgeous finger painting. I was impressed with his color choices because he usually goes straight for the black or green. Maybe those colors weren't an option that day.

Between preschool, Sunday school and MOPS, the side of our fridge is covered with treasures made by both Tyler and Nathan (Most of Nathan's pictures consist of 2 or 3 scribbles of one color, but they're still quite lovely to me). I need to come up with a system for displaying, rotating, and saving their artwork because we only have so many flat surfaces and only so much storage space at our house. Good thing we have a scanner because I think I'll be using it a lot in the coming months...and years!


Lindsay said...

Yes you will definitely have to find a cute way to display all of Tyler's fun school projects. I can't believe he is really old enough to be in preschool--wasn't it just yesterday that our big kids turned one?! I'm glad he is enjoying it so much though.

The Mohrmanns said...

I saw a neat idea for artwork...someone had taken a regular "cork board" and put an old antique frame around it and rotated all the artwork on the inside. Very cute. I will try to scan the picture of it and e-mail it to you because it's such a cute idea. I too don't have any idea what to do with all of Henry's creations!