Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On the Run

Both Tyler and I had a race this weekend. He ran the kids' dash and I ran the 5K. The races were held at the church where he attends preschool, so it was neat for him to be at his school on a non-school day. He showed up ready to race--he insisted on wearing a tank top because he knows from watching track & field on TV that runners always wear tank tops.

Chillin' before the kids' dash
The kid's dash was later in the morning than the 5K and there were lots of kids, unlike Tyler's last race. We thought they were going to run the dash in the same direction as last year, but they ran it in the opposite direction, so I don't have any photos of him actually running. I did manage to get a couple of photos of him at the starting line before we realized he was facing the wrong way.

Tyler kept sticking his hands in his mouth, probably because he was either feeling a little nervous or shy, or both.

David sizes up Goliath

It's not evident in the photos, but there were probably about 50 kids in this race. Tyler started in the very back and he finished somewhere in the middle of the pack. He wasn't the smallest, but he definitely wasn't one of the biggest either. He looked so cute pumping his little arms and legs as fast as he could. I was standing near the finish, so as soon as he made it to the end, I pointed him toward the guy who was handing out blue 1st place ribbons to all the kids. Tyler was so excited about his ribbon and he was all smiles when he gave me a big hug afterward. This time he wasn't bothered by the fact that he didn't win. I think having so many other kids around made him feel less self-concious and it probably just made it more fun. He also really liked the pen that came in his race packet. Sometimes he can be so easy to please.

Tyler put the pen behind his ear on his own. When I asked him who taught him to do that, he said, "Handy Manny!"

Filling out the back of his ribbon with his pen

Admiring his prize

Like I mentioned, I ran the 5K--only my second post-college race ever. I decided to run this 5K in particular because I ran the same one last September and I wanted to see whether I've improved since then. I've actually been running quite a bit this summer, so I hoped my time would reflect that. I ended up running over 2 minutes faster than last year (woohoo!) and I finished 2nd female overall. The course is very hilly with the last 1.5-miles being mostly uphill, so it was kind of brutal, but I was happy with my place and time.

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