Saturday, June 20, 2009

Racing Day

Tyler had a race today. Actually, Tim had a race, but there was a kids' dash, and it was free to enter. The race was about 40 minutes away, so I had to wake up the boys before 7:00 to make it to the starting line by 8:00.

Tyler was so excited about his race. He even had a race number to pin to his shirt. He looked like such a big boy, even though he looked pretty small next to the other kids, who were mostly 5-7 years old.

Warm-up strides
Strides with DaddyThe cutest member of brother's cheering section
The start was kind of confusing because the starter counted down from 5 and then blew a whistle. I mean, really? These are little kids. What's wrong with "ready, set, go!"? Most of the kids started before the whistle blew, but there were no officials to call the false start. Tyler stood at the line until he saw the other 11 or 12 kids take off, at which point he began racing down the street. When he heard all the people cheering, his little tongue appeared out the side of his mouth, which happens when he's feeling shy or embarassed.

At the starting line--a few more kids joined right before the start

Racing away with his tongue sticking out

He ended up finishing second-to-last, but he was the youngest one and he did pause for a moment to say, "Hi, Mommy!" All the kids received a prize bag containing a McDonald's coupon and a pencil. Of course he was pumped about that. When I asked him if he had fun, he said, "Yeah! But I not win at the tape." We told him he was the smallest kid in the race and emphasized that he finished the race, which is most important. On the way home he told me that when gets bigger, he's going to go back and beat the other kids. If I had to guess, I'd say someone is going to be just as competitive as his daddy.

The prize bag

Speaking of Tim, did I mention that he won the 5K? And he's only been running for about a month after several months of no training. Good job, Hon.

Tim waves at his boys at the start of the race

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

And just when I was thinking about you, you updated your blog! It's good to see some pictures of your boys--we miss you lots! Only a few more days and we will be back to reality at home. It's a bittersweet feeling since I love being with my family, but I miss my life in NC.

Anyway, how about Tyler running in the race?! He looked so cute standing in line with the rest of the runners. He is SO taking after his daddy, I'm sure Tim is very proud! Speaking of Tim, way to go! What a big accomplishment! Doesn't surprise me though, he is pretty amazing when it comes to running! The only thing missing in the post today was a picture of my friend. I guess it's hard when YOU are always behind the camera. :) Now that I have written a post of my own, I should end now. :) I'll call you next week! Have a good Father's Day with your family!