Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!

Today our biggest little boy turned 3. Since we went to the zoo for Nathan's birthday, Tyler wanted to go for his birthday, too. So, we loaded the boys into the car and headed to Asheboro to see the lions. (That's what Tyler wanted to see the most on this particular visit).

Checking out some turtles

Alligators Sea lions

We had great weather for most of the time we were there, although it did rain on us a bit. The boys barely got wet because the sun shades on our Bob stroller provide excellent coverage. Since it was our second visit to the zoo in just 5 weeks, we knew what we wanted to see, so we were pretty effecient in the four hours we were there--or, I should say, as efficient as we could be with a 1-year-old and 3-year-old who are easily diverted.

Playing at the KidZone

Riding the tram--one of Tyler's favorite things about the zoo

Tyler really surprised us today because he actually wanted to ride the carousel at the zoo. He has always been afraid of carousels up until now. When we went to the zoo last August, he refused to go on the carousel, even though his cousin Brooke rode it. He has changed so much in the past year. He went from being our shy little guy who would barely even glance at a stranger to chatting with just about anyone. He's still not super outgoing, but he has definitely emerged from his shell.

When we got home from the zoo, it was time for Tyler to open his presents from us. He was super excited about the new freight cars for his Diego train set and his new Diego rescue center. We also got him a Diego watch, which he wore to dinner, and a Diego video game for his Smart Cycle. Yes, he LOVES Diego. When I asked him if he liked his new rescue center, he said, "Yeah, it's awesome." He already sounds like such a big boy.

Here's a list of Tyler's favorites at 3-years-old:

Toys: Thomas trains (the plastic ones), his new Diego train set and rescue center, board games (especially Cariboo), jigsaw puzzles, his new Handy Manny toolbox (also one of Nathan's new faves), his new golf clubs, dump trucks

Books: Smash Crash! and Melvin Might? by Jon Scieszka; I Am Invited to a Party and There Is a Bird on Your Head by Mo Willems; The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle; any book with trucks, trains or race cars

TV/movie friends: Diego, Handy Manny, Lightning McQueen & Mater, Thomas & Friends, The Backyardigans
People: (On any given day, Tyler will declare up to 4 different people as his best friend, some of whom he doesn't actually know, such as Danny Gokey from American Idol. These are the ones he mentions most often). Daddy, Mommy, Nathan, PJ, Cooper, Kay-Kay, Nana, Papa Rudy, Grandma and Grandpa

Today at the zoo
Activities: riding his bike (which is really a trike), playing frisbee, throwing and kicking balls, hitting any kind of ball with a long object (tennis, baseball, golf), dancing, singing, running (seriously, he still likes to just run), playing what we at the Surface house call the "sheet game"
Songs: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "Jesus Loves Me"Any, any song from The Backyardigans, and any song by Danny Gokey

Word/Phrases: "Nice, cool, awesome!"; "Woot!"; "Mommy, I want to tell you something."; "No, Nathan! That's mine! You can't play with that."

Food: cheese sticks, anything from Chick-fil-A (or "Chick-a-fay", as he pronounces it), strawberries with whipped cream, cookies, goldfish, mango, chocolate milk

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Yes, happy birthday Tyler! We love that little guy so much! I can't believe he has actually turned three, weren't they just crawling yesterday?! I'm so glad that Tyler loves Kaitlyn as much as she loves him. It sounds like the day went great! I know how proud you are of Tyler, he really is such a wonderful little boy! Give him (and Nate) a big hug for us while we are away. I will talk to you soon!