Saturday, June 6, 2009

1-year and 3-year photos

We had professional photos taken of the boys on Memorial Day and Beverly, the photographer, sent us the slideshow today. It will only be available for a few weeks, so take a look if you have the chance. She does excellent work and there are so many great photos. Of course we're going to have a very difficult time deciding which images to order since we love those sweet little faces so much.

On a different note, I'm really behind on my posting from May. On top of being just super busy with various things (including Tyler's birthday party), our kitchen remodel disrupted our lives quite a bit at the end of the month. Hopefully I'll get caught up soon!


O Boys Mommy said...

Great Pictures. Were they at Duke Gardens?

Denise said...

Great pictures! I miss seeing you and your guys.

Donna said...

Debbie! I loveddddd the slide show! I can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

Donna said...

Umm... once again, the above comment is from me, Donna! lol