Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm the Winner

About a year ago I decided to take a second stab at the CPA exam. I had previously passed 3 out of the 4 sections when I was working in public accounting, but I never got around to passing the last section. It was difficult for me to find adequate study time when I was already working 60+ hours each week and/or traveling. I'm not sure why I thought finding time to study for such a monster exam would be any easier with 2 little ones running around, but I made a commitment to at least try.

I started studying in May of last year and I took my 4th and final section in mid-January. It was 8 months of no free time, lots of late nights, and balancing my responsibilities to my family with the time demands of this exam. This was a major reason why I didn't resume blogging during 2010. I spent my days caring for my boys, and my evenings (and the boys' occasional naps) trying to squeeze in a few hours of study time.

Due to a new format of the exam, which was effective at the beginning of the year, results were released even more slowly than usual. I waited 2.5 months for the results of my last section and I finally received them yesterday. I can't really describe how I felt when I saw the bright red "Congratulations!" stamped on the envelope. I ran up the driveway from the mailbox and up the stairs (despite being 6-months pregnant) to where my boys were playing pirates in their bedroom. I had to share my excitement with someone, and since Tim was out running, I had to tell Tyler and Nathan.

Me: Guess what, guys!

Tyler & Nathan: What?

Me: Mommy passed her test!

Nathan: Yay! (coming over to give me a hug)

Tyler: Oh. (from the top bunk, clearly hoping for something more exciting)

Me: You guys might not remember because it was so long ago, but remember how I was always studying and had to take a test?

Tyler: Yeah.

Me: Well, I passed it! I don't have to take any more tests!

Nathan: Yay! (another hug and some jumping)

Tyler: So...are you the winner?

Me: Yes! I'm the winner! (giggling at his choice of words)

Tyler: Yay! (arms in the air to cheer for me)

Nathan: Yay! (claps his hands)

After receiving more hugs from Nate, I immediately called my mom, a veteran CPA and the one person in my family who could truly understand the relief and excitement of passing this exam. She also happens to be older than 4 years old, and although I garnered a happy reaction from my boys, I felt the need to share my news with an adult. Besides, I couldn't and wouldn't have pursued my license without my parents. Other than Tim, who was incredibly supportive throughout the entire grueling process and did so much to help with our boys (even more than usual), my parents were my most ardent source of encouragement. It was actually during a conversation with them that I decided to pursue this thing that I'd all but written off in the past few years.

While it's just a piece of paper, that congratulatory letter from the state board meant so much. I absolutely have to give God the glory for giving me the energy and focus to get through it. The weeks leading up to my last section included 1st trimester pregnancy exhaustion and indigestion, Christmas, the flu (Tyler and I were hit the hardest), more exhaustion, and a birthday that I didn't have time to celebrate. I remember telling Tim that it would be nothing short of a miracle if I passed with all of that going on. God is definitely good!

So, now I just have to take an 8-hour ethics course and gather some moral character references and an experience affidavit to receive my actual license. Lots of people have been asking what I plan to do when I get my CPA. The honest answer is: I don't know. With Baby Surface on the way, I'm not making any concrete commitments right now. I do know that it's great to be able to check this off my list of things I've always wanted to do and someday God will reveal His plan for me and our family when it's time for us to know. For now, Tim and I feel strongly that His plan includes me being at home full-time with our boys. With a fantastic family like mine and the confidence that we are in God's hands, it doesn't take a congratulatory letter to know that I am indeed a winner!


O Boys Mommy said...

Yeah are awesome, and definitely a Winner!

Susan said...

Congratulations! What an accomplishment—especially with all that you had to go through to get some study time. I am impressed! I am also impressed with your choice to stay home with those adorable boys and the coming baby!

Amanda said...

Congratulations Debbie! I know that you worked so hard for this!

I just realized today that you had started blogging again. I hadn't checked in awhile. Now, I have to catch up!