Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Tyler was in serious need of a haircut, so I took him to get one this morning. The place we always go is just for kids. It has a big indoor slide, a little kitchen set, books, etc. The kids can choose between a car, an airplane, a 4-wheeler, or police car to sit in, and they even get to watch a video. Tyler chooses to watch Thomas every time and he usually picks the airplane. Last time I let him have a sucker afterward (his first one ever), so when I told him that we were going to get his hair cut, he kept talking about getting a sucker. Kids don't forget anything, except for when you tell them not to do something.

I needed to feed Nathan after Tyler's haircut, so I let Tyler play for a while. A little boy, who is probably 3 or 4, walked in while Tyler was playing and almost immediately started playing with Tyler. I just had to giggle to myself listening to them talk to each other. The boy told him that he has a dog and a cat at his house, so Tyler told him, "I have a monkey at my house." Of course he also told the boy about Pissay. As we walked to the car with a blue sucker in hand, I asked Tyler if he had fun playing with that boy and he told me, "Dat boy is my best fen. He's cool, awesome!"

Here's a before picture from yesterday...

...and after the much needed haircut.

Here are a couple pictures from the past few days. Hugs!

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