Thursday, November 13, 2008


About two weeks ago, Tyler started spelling his name. At first he did it by looking at the letters on his bedroom wall or anywhere his name was written, but then he started doing it without seeing the letters. It sounds a little funny, though, because he can't pronounce his L's, so "L" sounds kind of like "R". I have to credit the PBS show "Word World" for his interest in letters and words. Ever since he started watching it a few months ago, he's always asking "Whuz dat name?" when he sees words on anything and everything (a building, a sign, a t-shirt, piece of paper, etc.), which gives us the opportunity to go over the letters he's seeing. He now knows more than half of his capital letters by sight.

I recorded the following video a few days ago. As you'll see, Tyler had lots to say. You probably won't be able to understand everything he's saying, so here's a little background info. He and his daddy were about to go to the park so Tyler could run on the trails. The last time they went to the park, Tyler had to go potty, and Tim took him in the woods. So in the video, Tyler talks about how he wants to go potty in the woods again. At the very end, he says, "You want me to spell my name?", and proceeds to spell it. Little show-off.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

He is SO smart Debbie! Kaitlyn wanted to watch it over and over again!