Sunday, November 22, 2009

Eliza Jane

We have a new member in our family! Jonathan and Becki's little girl, our niece, was born on her due date, Tuesday, November 17th at 12:42 pm. Eliza Jane Cardenas weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and measured 20 inches long. She has tons of black hair, dark eyes and she already has a little chub on her thighs.

I recently saw a baby onesie or kid's t-shirt (I can't remember which) that said, "I'm kind of a big deal." Well, Eliza is definitely 'kind of a big deal' on the Cardenas side because she is the only granddaughter. After 4 boys in a row, there's finally a reason to visit the fun side of children's clothing stores. (We do have three nieces on the Surface side, but they're all older than our boys, so it's been a while since we've had a baby girl in our family.)

It's clear that I think Miss Eliza is pretty special. Because of her, I'm actually putting an end to my almost 2-month absence from the blogging world to share some photos I took a couple days ago. She was pretty adamant about staying asleep, so I didn't get any pictures of her with her eyes open, but those will come.

1 comment:

The Mohrmanns said...

Congratulations Auntie Debbie! I am so glad that Eliza arrived safe & sound. I bet Tyler & Nathan are excited to have another cousin. Poor Eliza...all the boys she will have to deal with! I also love the farmer's market pictures. Your 2 cuties are getting SO big! Thanks for posting pictures of Eliza. Becki e-mailed a few and I can't wait to see more. Have fun on the "fun side" of the store. I was in Target over the weekend and it was hard to not buy lots of cute pinks & purples for the new Cardenas Cutie! Glad you are back to updating the blog.