Sunday, November 22, 2009

Farmer's Market

Since I basically didn't post anything during the month of October, I have some catching up to do. It's a good thing I take pictures of things because without them I would never remember what we did in a given month.

At the beginning of October, I took the boys to the local farmer's market and met my parents for breakfast. Outside the restaurant there's a big tractor and some rides and animal statues for the kids to play on.

Nathan and Spiderman
(I'm not really sure how Spiderman ties in with the farmer's market, but he was there.)

On the big tractor

All the farmers had their pumpkins for sale and the boys had fun checking out all the different kinds. Tyler picked out one to decorate, both boys chose a tiny one just to have, and Nathan even got a free one. When we went to pay for a big one to set on our front steps, the farmer said Nathan could just have it since he'd been carrying it around so long. (I wish it worked like that a shoe store.)

We found this trailer in the parking lot that was full of big pumpkins. We got kicked off of it when a farm representative saw Tyler sitting on the pumpkins. I'm pretty sure the pumpkin weighed more than him, but we got off...just in time for another family to come along and have their kids sit on the pumpkins, too.

Checking out the gourds

So many to choose from!

This one looks nice!

Pretty please, may I have this one?

Nathan and his free pumpkin

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