Sunday, June 12, 2011

Preschool Field Trip

At the end of April, Tyler had a field trip with his preschool class to the Museum of Science downtown. Tim took Nathan along for some errands that morning so that I could focus 100% on Tyler during his field trip.

Tyler made friends with lots of the kids in his class this year, particularly with the boys, so he was excited to see his friends outside of their normal school routine. We spent most of the time working on a scavenger hunt around the museum and then we had a session in the Discovery Room where a very entertaining leader told the kids about different animals. In the Discovery Room they had the opportunity to touch different reptiles. Tyler passed on touching a big lizard and a beetle, but he did touch a turtle and he even held a piece of petrified dinosaur poo!

Tyler and his buddy Michael

Ms. Pam talks to Michael and Tyler about the toads they just saw

Standing in a dinosaur's footprint

Tyler wanted to take a picture in front of this dino skull

Checking out the box turtles

In the Discovery Room

Holding dino poo--it just looked like a big rock

This video was from the Discovery Room when the kids were given the opportunity to pet the turtle.

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