Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Tyler graduated from preschool onMay 26th. I wasn't sure what to expect because we've never been to a preschool graduation, but it was a really cute ceremony. The school had white caps for the kids and for their gowns each graduate wore a white button-up shirt belonging to his or her dad. They wore the shirts backward and they all looked adorable walking around in these huge gowns. Tyler, who's dad is relatively small and very fit, had one of the least billowy gowns.

Walking in during the processional

The ceremony took place in the sanctuary of the church where a big arch made of muli-colored balloons spanned the width of the stage. In Nathan's words, "It yooks yike a rainbow!"

Papa eventually had to take this one outside because he got really restless.

The graduates sang 5 songs, one of which Tyler had been singing for months around the house. Even Nathan knew most of the song and would sing it on occassion. When I asked him what he was singing, he'd say, "Tyler's song." It's really called "The Butterfly Song" (If I were a butterfly, I'd thank the Lord for giving me wings...). While they were singing, Tyler's eyes were glued on me and he looked very seriuos. I managed to get a couple smiles out of him inbetween songs, but otherwise he seemed pretty nervous to be in front of all those people. When I asked him how he felt later, he said he had fun singing. I guess he just didn't want to show it.

After they performed, Ms. Maria, the preschool director, called each of the 37 graduates to the front of the sanctuary to recognize them individually. At the end of the school year, Ms. Maria interviewed each graduate and asked the following questions.
  1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  2. What things will you like doing as part of your job?
  3. How much money will you make?

Some of the answers were downright funny. One little girl wants to be a princess. Carrington, Tyler's little crush, wants to be a doctor and thinks she will make $100 per patient. Tyler's buddy, Michael, wants to be a boxer because he thinks it would be really fun to punch people as a grown up.

Tyler wants to be a fireman so that he can spray the hose and drive the big fire truck. He thinks he'll make $200.

After she told us about each graduate's future ambitions, Ms. Maria presented each one with a Bible just like the one that she used during chapel each week. Tyler was really excited to get his new Bible. He was talking about it all day before graduation and even now he keeps it out of his brother's reach so that Nathan won't harm it.

Once the ceremony was over, each of the 3 classes went back on stage so the "paparazzi", as Ms. Maria calls us parents, could get photos of our big kids.

Class photo

A reception in the fellowship hall followed the ceremony. We found our assigned table by looking for Tyler's framed diploma and a photo of him wearing his graduation cap that one of his teacher's must have taken. There was even a sand bucket with little goodies for the kids to take home.

It was a very special evening for our little family and a great way to celebrate the time Tyler has had at preschool. I can't believe how quickly the past 2 years have gone.

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