Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life With a 2-Year-Old

Tyler is just like many other 2-year-olds I know. Everything is "mine" or "my (fill-in-the-blank)". He has started calling us "my daddy" and "my mommy". He even says "my PJ" (pronounced "my pis-say"). The other evening we went for a short walk with Tyler in his wagon and Nathan in the Baby Bjorn. Tim was telling me a story and I responded with, "Oh, my word!" to something he said. For the rest of the walk, Tyler kept repeating, "No! MY word!" We just had to laugh at him because he doesn't even know what that expression means. He just knows that he wants everything to be his.

Tyler loves playing with this enormous Thomas train set he got from Cooper and Gabe for his birthday.

This is PJ licking his chops. Yes, that is his tongue.

Happy boy


Lindsay said...

That is hilarious what Tyler said. This age is so funny to me. I love all the cute things they say.

Looks like I will be meeting you tomorrow still. I don't know when this baby is ever going to come....At least we'll have a good time with you guys though--Kaitlyn's pretty excited!

Jennilee said...

Juli gave me your blog address a few weeks back and I have loved reading your updates!

What a hilarious Tyler story. You have two darling little boys.