Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mr. Smiley and New Shoes

These pictures were taken the day before Nathan turned 8-weeks-old. He is getting so smiley. All I have to do is smile and talk to him, and he smiles and coos back. Even in the middle of the night when I'm changing his diaper and barely able to stand, he's looking up at me with a big goofy grin. Yep, it's darling. The double chin he's sporting is pretty cute, too.

Tyler got new shoes. He was so excited about his new shoes, so I had to snap a few photos of him wearing them that day. When Tim came home, he ran and got the box so I could put them on his feet. He couldn't wait to show his daddy his new shoes. Fortunately, Tim approved (he's pretty picky about anything his boys wear, in case you didn't know) and he told Tyler how cool they were. Tyler usually refers to them as his "new shoes", but a couple days ago he told me he wanted to wear his "cool shoes."

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