Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Smiles to Share

Last week was pretty laid back for the boys and I. We just didn't have a lot going on, which isn't necessarily a good thing. Tyler can easily get stir crazy, so it's better for him (and, consequently, for me) if we get out of the house so he can burn off some energy. He's at that age where he's constantly testing his boundaries, so I feel like I spend a good chunk of my day reminding him where they are. Although dealing with this typical 2-year-old behavior is not one of my favorite things, this age does have its benefits. I love all the conversations we have during the day. He repeats just about everything he hears and our once quiet little boy has turned into quite a chatterbox. When I'm talking with Tim at dinner (one of my few adult conversations during the day) and Tyler thinks it's his turn to talk, he says, "No talk, Mommy. My talk." I have to work really hard to stifle a giggle when I tell him that he needs to say "excuse me" and wait his turn. He's such a riot these days.

Below are some photos of "the little one" (which is how I often refer to Nathan) from last week. I can't get enough of his adorable little smile so bear with me as I show it off--again.

"The big one" wanted his picture taken, too...

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