Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's official! No more...


Warning: This post is all about potty training, specifically pooping in the potty, as opposed to in the pants. So, if you are not a parent (and therefore have not been desensitized to all bodily excretions), or if it has been a while since you had young children (and therefore have been un-desensitized), do yourself a favor and skip this one.

After giving potty training an unsuccessful go last fall, we revisited the issue 2 weeks ago. This time, Tyler definitely seemed more ready and a couple days into it he was saying, "No more diapers!" He was doing a great job staying dry. Unfortunately, we still had issues with constipation as we have for the past 5 months or so. He would do this thing where he'd sit down whenever he felt like he needed to go. Basically, he was trying to stop it from happening.

During the past couple weeks, I would see him doing his little sit down and I'd sweep him up and set him on the potty, which he didn't like. Everything I've read says you're not supposed to make them poop on the potty if they don't want to, but I choose not to believe everything I read. I would reassure him that it would be okay and patiently sit with him, reading books, singing songs, encouraging/pleading for him to push, etc. One night we sat there for 35 minutes before he finally went. I seriously almost cried--tears of joy, relief and exhaustion.

Even though he would poop on the potty every 3 or 4 days, I would have to force him every time. Then, this morning, Tyler did something that I was beginning to think would never happen.

Out of the blue he said, "Mommy, I have to poop!" and willingly walked to the bathroom. I was so shocked. Thrilled, but shocked. I would say that it was a fluke, but he did the same thing again just before lunch. (He didn't go yesterday, hence the reason why he had to go twice today).

I'm certainly hoping that we can make a habit of pooping in the potty, but for now, let me just say I am one happy mommy today. It has been a good day.

  • My big boy has decided that pooping in the potty is a good thing.

  • We went to Costco (which is like a Sam's Club, for those of you who don't have one nearby) and only spent $25, which must be a record low. We usually never make it out of there without breaking the century mark. I actually stuck to the items on my list this time, which helps.

  • We went to the park because the sun has finally re-emerged!

  • My boys are napping at the same time!!!! (Can I get a woot-woot?)
If it weren't for the fact that Nathan's had a low-grade fever for the past two days and is now sounding really congested over the monitor, this day would be almost perfect!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Yea for Tyler! That is so exciting when they TELL you they have to use the potty (especially to go #2). I'm glad you had a good day today. We, well, not so much. Olivia didn't nap and the homemade rolls didn't turn out as great as I would have liked. You'll have to ask your mom if she has a good recipe for rolls--she is quite the cook! Hope we are still on for tomorrow, I really need my "Debbie time". Talk to you soon!