Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little Firemen

On Tuesday Tyler and I went to visit a fire station with some of the other moms and kids from our MOPS group. (The tour was during Nathan's naptime, so he stayed home with Tim). Tyler was so excited to see the fire trucks and find out whether they had a fire dog. There was no dog, and he was quick to point that out to me.

At the tour we found out all about the gear that the firemen wear. The moms had the idea to time one of the firemen to see how fast he could put it all on--boots, pants, jacket, hood, air tank, helmet and gloves--and it was right at a minute. The kids probably weren't as impressed as the moms. I think most of us were wishing that we, too, could get ready for our days' work in that same amount of time.

After the gear check, we went down to the garage to climb on a couple of the fire trucks. The kids got to go inside one of the engines and a ladder truck. Tyler thought we were supposed to go for a ride in the truck, so he quickly claimed a seat and asked where I was going to sit. Even though we didn't get to go for an actual ride, he still enjoyed checking out the big trucks.

At the end of our visit, the firemen passed out little fire helmets to all the kids, which was the perfect parting gift for our son. He loves his fire hat and wore it for most of the day. He has been telling just about everyone he's met this week about it.

That night, Tyler was pushing Nathan's little wagon around our main floor and Tim was pushing Nathan around on a little bus. They were pretending to be rushing to a fire on fire trucks and were having a blast (pun intended). I guess this is the kind of thing that happens in a house full of boys.

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