Thursday, December 18, 2008

Little Crawler

Nathan started commando crawling while we were in Jeff City for Thanksgiving. Ever since, he's been getting faster and faster. This week he has been getting up on his knees and trying to push himself forward, but he usually face plants. Any day now he'll be doing the "real" crawl, but he can get anywhere he wants to go by basically dragging himself across the floor.

The things that entice Nathan the most, and therefore serve as his greatest motivators, are the Christmas tree, the gifts underneath the tree, and any toy that belongs to Tyler. He is already in love with trucks and trains, much to the dismay of big brother. Lately I've been hearing a lot of, "No, Nathan! Dat's mine!"

This video is from last week, and although he's not doing a lot of crawling in it, it shows his fascination with Christmas presents. I guess next week we'll get to see what he does with a present when he's actually allowed to tear into it!

1 comment:

Juli said...

IT is amazing what a motivator an older brother can be! Jacob crawled early and I know it was just to get to Jayden's Thomas trains!