Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Updates are coming...

I promise. The computer I usually use (Tim's tablet PC) caught a fun virus, so it hasn't been working at all, which is one of the reasons why I haven't posted anything in weeks. Unfortunately, in order to fix the computer, everything I had saved on it will be lost. Hoo-ray. That's the bad news.

The good news is that we found a fabulous deal on a Dell laptop, so merry Christmas to me! It should arrive before Christmas, and while I would love to save it for Christmas Day, I will probably start using it right away. Not having access to a computer during the day has been hard because I have to check and answer all my emails late at night. The only reason why I'm able to post right now is because Tim happens to be running an errand, making his work computer available for my use. =)

While buying a brand new laptop may seem like an extravagant solution to the virus problem, we've actually been thinking about it for some time because the tablet didn't have much memory. Plus, my new one will actually have all the Microsoft Office applications I need (unlike the tablet PC, which only had the not-so-great knock-off version). And yes, I really do need Excel. As a former slave of the public accounting industry, I learned that a spreadsheet can be utilized for just about anything, and I do. With all the things I have going on with MOPS, having the "real" Word and Excel will make life much easier.

Tim is home and will need to get back to work, so my time is up. Updates are coming...hopefully before I get my fun new laptop. Did I mention it's going to be green? How cool is that?

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