Friday, October 31, 2008

6 Months Old

Little Nathan turned 6 months old yesterday and I can't believe it. How is it possible that he is half-a-year old already? I tell him every day that he is so sweet. Whenever I go out somewhere with the boys, he is usually in the Baby Bjorn facing out. We always have people stopping to talk to him and smile at him. It used to catch me off-guard when strangers would just stop in the aisle at the grocery store to look and smile at us. Now I realize that he is almost always smiling away at everyone he sees. I just can't see it because he's facing away from me. I hope he continues to have an easy disposition because it certainly makes things easier for me--and it's just stinkin' cute when a baby smiles all the time.

At his 6-month checkup today, Nathan's pediatrician said he looks great. He's growing really well and he's actually starting to thin out a bit. Before he was a little chubby for his length, but now he's pretty much proportional. Other than a little mild eczema and the remnant sniffles of a cold he had this week, he's perfectly healthy.

Weight: 16 pounds, 10.5 ounces (35th %)

Height: 26.25 inches (40th %)

Head Circumfrence: 44.5 cm (75th %)

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