Friday, October 10, 2008


I feel like I've been on a rollercoaster all week and it's all because of potty training. The week started off great with Tyler only having one accident on both Sunday and Monday, followed by two rough days where he didn't want to use the big boy potty much at all. Thursday went pretty well, although he went poo poo in his Pull-Up because he refuses to go in the potty. Today was great with no accidents, but he never did have to poo poo. Along the way, we've gone from bribing--I mean rewarding--Tyler with quarters and stickers to any type of coin we could find to M&Ms (he loves picking which color he wants). Right now we're at a high point, but there have definitely been a few lows in the past week. I'm sure the potty training rollercoaster ride will continue for quite some time, but as my mom assures me, someday I'll look back on these times and wish they hadn't gone by so quickly.
Earlier in the week when we were still using money as his reward, I made a jar that has Tyler's name on it to hold all his earnings. (He loves to have his name on things and he's quick to point out any T's he sees. "Me have a T in my name!") Here's how the conversation went when I was writing on his jar.

Me: I'm going to write 'my potty jar' on your jar.

Tyler: Dat's my potty jar.

Me: I know. It's your potty jar. See? That's your name and underneath it says 'my potty jar'.

Tyler: No, Mommy, dat's my potty jar. (Repeated at least 3 times)

Me: I'm also going to write 'I'm a big boy.'

Tyler: No, Mommy, me a big boy. You're not a big boy. You're a yady (lady).

Here are a few pics of Tyler in his big boy Pull-Ups. He was pretending that his pajama pants were a cowboy rope.

Nathan has been pretty happy all week, even though he's been spitting up a whole bunch. It never seems to bother him at all, which is good. He looks like such a big boy sitting like this.

Here's a video of Nathan just getting all excited about something--not sure what. His brother was dancing behind me, so maybe he was just trying to dance along.

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