Friday, April 3, 2009

11 Months

I know I'm a few days late posting these, but here are some photos of our 11-month-old. It's hard to believe Nathan is less than a month away from his first birthday. It actually just doesn't seem possible.

(I'm trying to type this during naptime, but apparently Nathan does not agree that it's time to nap because I just checked the video monitor and saw him reaching for the monitor camera as he babbled away. Good thing his crib is far enough away from it so he couldn't actually grab it.)

Here are a few of Nathan's favorites at 11-months-old...
  • Table food--He is so over baby food, except for fruit purees. He would much rather feed himself. Chicken is definitely one of his faves. Yesterday for lunch he ate 5 chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A, 1/2 a container of fruit, part of the wheat bun from my sandwhich and some Goldfish crackers. We were at the mall food court, so it wasn't exactly the most well-balanced meal, but obviously the kid can eat.

  • Baby Einstein--Nathan loves the "Baby MacDonald" DVD. He can almost sit through the entire thing. Tyler loved this one, too, when he was Nathan's age. I think it must be the animal puppets that captivate them.

  • Papa Rudy--See previous post.

  • Daddy--This boy loves his daddy. If Tim walks by him without picking him up, Nathan will go crawling after him in tears.

  • Tyler--There's evidence of Nathan's love for his big brother in just about every post for the past few months.

  • PJ--In the past week or so, Nathan has started chasing PJ around the house. Sometimes he tries to grab his ears. Thankfully, PJ doesn't retaliate, which is probably why Nathan continues to love him.

  • Blankets--Nathan likes to roll around in them, cuddle with them, chew on them, etc.

  • Balls--Boys love balls. What else is there to say?

  • Pointing--He likes to point at the lights, the fan, and pictures in books. He's starting to point at pretty much everything. Sometimes he'll do the sign for "light" and "fan", too.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I swear every time I see little Nate, he looks older and older to me. Before long, he will be the age of our older kids--what will we ever do?! Sure love that sweet boy though:)