Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rough Week

Our house was not a fun place to be for the past week or so. It started last Monday...

Monday: I took Tyler to the pediatrician about some mysterious red bumps on him. The doctor diagnosed him with folliculitis, which is not a big deal, but he warned that it could develop into a staph infection. He took a skin culture from one of the "postules" (or "spots", Tyler calls them), prescribed some antibiotic ointment and told me to call back in 48 hours.

Wednesday: We found out that his skin culture was indeed growing staph, but we wouldn't know for a couple more days if it was MRSA (the really bad kind of staph infection). At that point, the existing spots seemed to be responding to the ointment. The nurse on the phone told me to call if any new spots appeared, or if they seemed to hault in their response to the medicine. Also on Wednesday, Tyler seemed to have a bit of a black eye. After some questioning, he told us that a little boy ran into him at MOPS the day before. He said it was an accident, that it hurt really bad, but that he didn't cry. The other boy cried.

Thursday: Nathan woke up from his afternoon and threw up all over himself while still in his crib. He had diarrhea that night. Nice.

Saturday: Tyler developed new spots--not good. He also had swollen, itchy eyes due to something that was blooming outside. Poor guy was pretty miserable. He just couldn't stop rubbing his eyes. Oh yeah, and then I caught the stomach bug from Nathan.

Sunday: I still felt sick, Tyler still looked like he'd been punched with his red, puffy eyes, and Tim caught the stomach bug. Nathan started coughing and had congestion. Did I mention that PJ threw up first thing that morning? Seriously, even the dog was sick.

Monday: We went back to the pediatrician about the new spots (not MRSA, praise the Lord!), got an oral antibiotic, and found out we could give Tyler Zyrtec for his allergies. Tim was still sick, but I felt fine.

Tuesday: I felt sick again, probably because I barely slept the night before. I could hear Nathan coughing through the monitor all night long. Poor little guy.

Wednesday/Today: Tim and I are better. The boys are doing well, relatively speaking. They both have runny noses and are coughing, and Tyler's eyes are still bothering him a little, but I'll take that over everything else we've had in the past week! I'm so grateful we're finally on this end of that crazy week.


Amanda said...

What an awful week! I'm so glad to hear that Tyler's "spots" weren't serious. Sorry about the hurt eye at MOPS. I wish he would tell us when he gets hurt!

Lindsay said...

Okay, now that you have had such a rough week, it is only appropriate that things should be golden for the next month or so. We can only hope. I hope you guys are having a nice day. We can't wait to see you on Saturday. Talk to you soon!

Denise said...

"Rough" does not seem to quite cut it. That was a week from heck! ;) So very sorry, Friend. Please reach out to me so I can be praying for you all!!

Okay - that's too much about Tyler's black eye and the other kid crying. Wow. So thankful that the really bad staph is staying away!!!