Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hello, Spring!

Last week we hired a super nice and hardworking guy from our church to do quite a bit of yard work. He pulled up about 9 terribly overgrown bushes from our front yard, cleared all of the brush and leaves from the area behind our garage, trimmed our evergreens, and cleared away two tree stumps. Our front yard now looks pretty bare without the bushes and ivy (which did a number on our some of our siding, so we'll have to powerwash and then repaint), but it will be nice to start with a blank slate.

Tim was out of town for 5 days, including the weekend, so my parents came over on Saturday to help me out with the boys. Mom watched Nathan while Dad, Tyler and I planted some herbs and flowers. We got the herbs from the farmer's market the previous weekend and I am so excited about them because I won't have to buy those expensive little containers from the store anymore. We planted parsley, cilantro, thyme, oregano, dill, basil and chives. We also planted a few petunias to add some color to the pots.

It was a beautiful weekend, perfect for being outside. Tyler was excited to help Papa and I with his new Lightning McQueen shovel. Nathan wanted to just crawl and around and play in the dirt. He kept Nana busy--someone had to make sure he didn't try to eat everything he found on the ground.

A few more pics from the past few days...

Check out those eyelashesOne of our newly planted pots
Tyler helps me pick off the wilted petunias.

I wasn't the only one who was happy to have Tim back home.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

How exciting to have all those herbs right in your back yard (feel free to pass some along to a fellow friend!) I'm glad you had your parents close by to help you out this weekend. And how happy are you to have Tim home?! Looking forward to our Thursday play date!