Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nathan!

It's official. Our baby is one-whole-year old. I feel like Nathan's first year went by so much faster than Tyler's, and I'm sure that has something to do with having two boys to chase all day.

We celebrated Nathan's big day with a trip to the zoo! Tyler was so excited about seeing all the animals and getting to ride the tram. Nathan enjoyed the opportunity to practice walking outside. Even though he's been taking a few steps at a time for the past few weeks, yesterday afternoon he decided that walking is his preferred method of movement. He didn't even want to hold my hand at the zoo today. Such a big boy.

Our first stop -- giraffes and zebras
That's an elephant in the background
Checking out a chimpanzee

Playing at the KidZone -- The boys LOVED this place!My boys...after they FINALLY found their way through the bamboo maze
When we got home from the zoo, Nathan opened his birthday presents from us. Well, actually there was nothing to open. Everything was just sitting inside the back of his new Haul & Ride dump truck.

Nathan and his new googly ball

I think it was a pretty great birthday for Nathan, if I say so myself. We all had fun celebrating our littlest guy's first year.


Jennilee said...

Your boys are too cute! Can't believe Nathan is 1 already. Happy Birthday big guy!

Lindsay said...

The zoo looked like a lot of fun, what a great way to spend the day! I love how in the video, Tyler digs into Nate's presents first. Our poor second children, they always get the shaft:) Glad Nate had a wonderful day!